My good friends came into town this weekend and I got to snap a few cute ones of this little one. She has grown so much since the last time I took her pics a year ago. In fact she is the b&w baby in my blog header, taking a bath in the sink! Isn't she a doll!?
Me and my sister in law took our kids to scout out a new spot today. It's sort of a long drive, but it's a great spot. Unfortunately the blossoms hadn't quite bloomed yet...they were on the in a week or so we are going back to try for some blossoms. But we got some pretty cute shots today. My poor daughter hated almost every minute of it for some reason. She had been looking forward to it, and then today just decided to not perform. Thus is the life of a toddler. Anyway here are a few cute ones from today.
I hope these blossoms stick around through the crummy weather headed our way...I have plans for them... These are just a few of me and my daughter messing around today...she was being super goofy and the wind was wild..but we snagged a few keepers!
Utah Photographer, based out of Salt Lake area. Website down for now, but there will be one soon! Check out my 365 blog (, where I post a picture every day for a full year!!!